Covid-19: Venue In Westchester Returns $427K To Customers For Canceled Events, AG Announces

A Westchester County venue has returned hundreds of thousands of dollars to consumers whose events were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Photo Credit: Pixabay/pasja1000

New York State Attorney General Letitia James said the Greentree Country Club in New Rochelle fully returned 76 consumers' deposits. In total, the venue returned $427,000 to consumers. James made the announcement on Wednesday, July 14. 

James said when COVID-19 lockdowns began in New York in the spring of 2020, consumers began to request refunds from Greentree Country Club, but they were denied. They were offered other options, like rescheduling the event or accepting a credit for the deposit to use in the future. 

The office of the attorney general said it received "numerous" complaints from consumers between April and September of 2020, and the office decided to initiate an investigation, which resulted in the $427,000 restitution.

"Since the start of the pandemic, we now have returned almost $800,000 to New Yorkers and will continue to fight for more, especially as the pandemic continues to take a financial toll on our state’s residents," James said.

Consumers who are struggling to receive a refund on a deposit for an event canceled due to COVID-19 statewide restrictions can fill out a complaint form here or call the Attorney General's Office hotline at 1-800-771-7755.

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